<%= @panles = panel.find(:all, :panel => “name”)
collection_select(:panel, :name, @panels, :id, :name)
There are a number of problems with this code. The first thing is
that <%= %> is effectively saying ‘output everything within these
brackets’ - you have 2 lines of code so you’re going to get issues.
The second problem is that the line ‘@panels = …’ should be in your
controller action:
in your controller:
def index @panels = Panel.find(:all);
in your view:
<%= collection_select(‘panel’, ‘name’, @panels, :id, :name) %>
For future reference, you will generally get better response if you
post the actual error message you are receiving. I’d also recommend
that you pick up one of the many books and tutorials that are
available to give you a solid grounding in rails.
Thanks a lot. i got it. and can u tell how i display using list box
using the same table. please.
Stephen B. wrote:
<%= @panles = panel.find(:all, :panel => “name”)
collection_select(:panel, :name, @panels, :id, :name)
There are a number of problems with this code. The first thing is
that <%= %> is effectively saying ‘output everything within these
brackets’ - you have 2 lines of code so you’re going to get issues.
The second problem is that the line ‘@panels = …’ should be in your
controller action:
in your controller:
def index @panels = Panel.find(:all);
in your view:
<%= collection_select(‘panel’, ‘name’, @panels, :id, :name) %>
For future reference, you will generally get better response if you
post the actual error message you are receiving. I’d also recommend
that you pick up one of the many books and tutorials that are
available to give you a solid grounding in rails.
This forum is not affiliated to the Ruby language, Ruby on Rails framework, nor any Ruby applications discussed here.