I have a fully developed e-commerce site with ruby on rails. it is in
sandbox mode with paypal and I want to make it live. unfortunately my
developer’s time on the project is up. i have the instructions to make
it live, but im not familiar with rails (YET!). I intend to be, but I’d
really like to get this live.
Can a trusted rails developer on this site do this simple thing for me?
Muchly appreciated it would be.
Thanks for your time.
are you using website payments pro? if so, you should only have to
change four things from the sandbox values to prod values:
the path to your paypal cert
the api username
the api password
the “environment” from “sandbox” to “live”
disclaimer: this knowledge is from a php app… i haven’t used paypal
with rails yet.
I mean I have the actual instructions and want someone to do it for me.
I don’t have any rails experience and don’t want to go in and mess it
The instructions follow like so:
I. Paypal is currently set to sandbox. In order for it to be live, you
must edit the following:
1. /app/views/paypal.rhtml line 116:
<form action="https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr"
should be replaced with:
<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">
2. /config/environment.rb line 55:
$PAYPAL_ADDRESS = 'testaddress'
should be replaced with:
$PAYPAL_ADDRESS = 'youraddress'
II. Change email addresses for email notification:
1. /app/models/order_mailer.rb
The from and bcc fields should be modified.
III. Run rake migrate (or rake db_schema_import) for new installations
in order to set up the database, of course make sure you configure:
/config/database.yml before.
On 8/1/06, NoDev [email protected] wrote:
I mean I have the actual instructions and want someone to do it for me.
I don’t have any rails experience and don’t want to go in and mess it
well, i’m still a noob and haven’t used rake yet, so i’d hesitate to
do it myself 
i’m sure there’s another more experienced soul around willing to help
NoDev [email protected] writes:
I have a fully developed e-commerce site with ruby on rails. it is in
sandbox mode with paypal and I want to make it live. unfortunately my
developer’s time on the project is up. i have the instructions to make
it live, but im not familiar with rails (YET!). I intend to be, but I’d
really like to get this live.
Can a trusted rails developer on this site do this simple thing for me?
Muchly appreciated it would be.
If you want someone to install the application for you then this will
an ssh access or remote desktop access.
Contact me off list at `ssinghi at kreeti dot com’, for a paid service.
Surendra S.
http://ssinghi.kreeti.com, http://www.kreeti.com
Read my blog at: http://cuttingtheredtape.blogspot.com/
| “O thou my friend! The prosperity of Crime is like unto the lightning,
| whose traitorous brilliancies embellish the atmosphere but for an
| instant, in order to hurl into death’s very depths the luckless one
| they have dazzled.” – Marquis de Sade