I was doing everything ‘sudo’, and I was messing with its Makefile
(because it didn’t compile cleanly),
the ‘fxruby’ gem is now installed succesfully.
The bad news is that somehow my ‘/bin’ folder got deleted.
If anybody here is using Ubuntu and is willing to do ‘ls /bin’ and
paste the results to http://pastebin.com/, so I see what I need to
restore, I’ll be extremely thankful!
The bad news is that somehow my ‘/bin’ folder got deleted.
If anybody here is using Ubuntu and is willing to do ‘ls /bin’ and
paste the results to http://pastebin.com/, so I see what I need to
restore, I’ll be extremely thankful!
Albert - you are probably going to encounter unrecoverable damage if
you have lost /bin. Even the default shell for root (/bin/sh) is in
the directory that you lost.
Albert - you are probably going to encounter unrecoverable damage if
you have lost /bin. Even the default shell for root (/bin/sh) is in
the directory that you lost.
Maybe he can boot from an ubuntu cd and copy stuff over.
Hey, first time I’ve ever used pastebin, and it was to paste bin. I feel
Albert - you are probably going to encounter unrecoverable damage if
you have lost /bin. Even the default shell for root (/bin/sh) is in
the directory that you lost.
I lost ‘cp’ and ‘rm’ too. Fortunately for me, I had gazillions of
terminals open with Midnight Commander. I copied the most basic commands
from an old Fedora partition that was mounted (it’s always mounted, so I
didn’t have to have ‘mount’). Its ‘bash’ didn’t work on my ubuntu (it
was compiled against termcap), so I logged in to where my website is
hosted, becuase it uses Debian, and taken ‘bash’ (which serves as ‘sh’
too) from there.
I restored enough commands so that my ‘apt-get’ worked again.
Then, to find out all the packages that had files installed in /bin/ I
did “dpkg -S ‘/bin/*’”. I reinstalled them all with “sudo apt-get -y
–reinstall install …”.
That’s all. My system even survived a reboot!
It was so invigorating an experience! So empowering! I recommend
deleting your /bin once in a while (or, alternatively, installing
‘fxruby’) for sport.
first time I’ve ever used pastebin, and it was to paste bin
I did it! I’m back!
I lost ‘cp’ and ‘rm’ too. Fortunately for me, I had gazillions of
terminals open with Midnight Commander. I copied the most basic commands
from an old Fedora partition that was mounted (it’s always mounted, so I
didn’t have to have ‘mount’). Its ‘bash’ didn’t work on my ubuntu (it
was compiled against termcap), so I logged in to where my website is
hosted, becuase it uses Debian, and taken ‘bash’ (which serves as ‘sh’
too) from there.
On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 8:46 AM, Joel VanderWerf [email protected] wrote:
Gregg Kang wrote:
Albert - you are probably going to encounter unrecoverable damage if
you have lost /bin. Even the default shell for root (/bin/sh) is in
the directory that you lost.
Maybe he can boot from an ubuntu cd and copy stuff over.
Hey, first time I’ve ever used pastebin, and it was to paste bin. I feel
I need I site call pinoint to say how you did that well;)
BTW you are special, I am special, we all are special, ahem …
vjoel : Joel VanderWerf : path berkeley edu : 510 665 3407