I have problem and/or not fully underestand rails --svn

I experimented with rails --svn option. I use following commands

1 $ su root “mkdir -p /var/lib/svn/projekt; chown radek:radek
2 Password:heslo roota
3 $ svnadmin create /var/lib/svn/projekt
4 $ mkdir -p /tmp/projekt/trunk
5 $ svn import -m “Creating empty project projekt” /tmp/projekt
6 //var/lib/svn/pokus
7 Adding /tmp/projekt/trunk
9 Committed revision 1.
10 $ rm -r /tmp/projekt
11 $ svn checkout file:///var/lib/svn/projekt/trunk /tmp/projekt/rev1
12 Checked out revision 1.
13 $ rails --svn /tmp/projekt/rev1
14 svn: ‘.’ is not a working copy
15 svn: ‘.’ is not a working copy
16 exists
17 create app/controllers
18 svn: ‘/tmp/pokus/rev1/app’ is not a working copy
19 create app/helpers
20 svn: ‘/tmp/pokus/rev1/app’ is not a working copy
21 create app/models
22 svn: ‘/tmp/pokus/rev1/app’ is not a working copy
23 create app/views/layouts
24 svn: ‘/tmp/pokus/rev1/app/views’ is not a working copy
25 create config/environments
26 svn: ‘/tmp/pokus/rev1/config’ is not a working copy
27 create components
28 A /tmp/pokus/rev1/components
29 create db
30 A /tmp/pokus/rev1/db
31 create doc

But as you can see, the rails --svn added few files to svn.

What I’m doing wrong. What is --svn option for.

The actual version is on

Radek Hnilica http://www.hnilica.cz

No matter how far down the wrong road you’ve gone, turn back.
Turkish proverb
… so turn back … Now!

14 svn: ‘.’ is not a working copy

That should tell you the current directory is not a working copy. It
doesn’t make the directory a working copy if you import it. You have
to check the project out somewhere, and then --svn should work.


On Fri, Dec 30, 2005 at 09:18:53AM -0600, Rick O. wrote:

14 svn: ‘.’ is not a working copy

That should tell you the current directory is not a working copy. It
doesn’t make the directory a working copy if you import it. You have
to check the project out somewhere, and then --svn should work.

hmmm… and what’s line 11

11 $ svn checkout file:///var/lib/svn/projekt/trunk /tmp/projekt/rev1
12 Checked out revision 1.

If I try cd to working copy and then
rails --svn .

The first two errors (lines 14,15) wanished, but the rest is still here.

Radek Hnilica http://www.hnilica.cz

No matter how far down the wrong road you’ve gone, turn back.
Turkish proverb
… so turn back … Now!