I can't see my app

Hello everybody,

I was able to set up Ruby 1.8.4 on Rails, using Apache 2.2.2 and MySql
5.0.22 and if you go to http://spagnolo.troccoli.it you have the nice
“Welcome abroad” page.

I have created a table (modes) with mysql

description VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘’,

Then I have generated the controller and the model for it with

ruby script/generate controller Mode
ruby script/generate model Mode

Then I changed the mode_controller.rb as

class ModeController < ApplicationController
scaffold :mode

But, if I go to spagnolo.troccoli.it/mode/new I don’t get what I
expected but a 404 “The page cannot be found” error.

Apache serves my website too, so my virtual hostes are defined as

NameVirtualHost *
<VirtualHost :>
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot /home/webmaster/troccoli.it/www
ServerName www.troccoli.it
ErrorLog logs/troccoli.it-error_log
CustomLog logs/troccoli.it-access_log common

<VirtualHost :>
ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot /home/webmaster/troccoli.it/spagnolo/public
ServerName spagnolo.troccoli.it
ErrorLog logs/spagnolo-error_log
CustomLog logs/spagnolo-access_log common
<Location /journal>
RewriteEngine On
# Let Apache handle purely static files like images by itself.
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
# Send Everything else to Rails
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ dispatch.fcgi [QSA,L]

<Directory /home/webmaster/troccoli.it/spagnolo/journal>
# ExecCGI is required for mod_fcgid to work.
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI
# Disable .htaccess files.
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
# This tells mod_fcgid to run the dispatch.fcgi script as a
AddHandler fcgid-script .fcgi

Someone suggested that I used the IP address in the VirtualHost tag, but
I can’t. If my server connection goes dow for any reason, the router is
set to automatically connect again, thus possibly getting a different IP
The same person suggested to move the Rewrite stuff outside the Location
element, but that didn’t work (and actually I couldn’t get the “Welcome
abroad” page anymore).

Any ideas or suggestions on why http://spagnolo.troccoli.it/mode/new
does not work?


Giulio Troccoli wrote:

I was able to set up Ruby 1.8.4 on Rails, using Apache 2.2.2 and MySql
5.0.22 and if you go to http://spagnolo.troccoli.it you have the nice
“Welcome abroad” page.

Hi Giulio,

When you click on the “about your applications environment” link on the
page, do you get anything ? That will tell you if you’re able to get
through fcgi and hit some actual rails/ruby code (the welcome page is


Alan wrote:

Hi Giulio,

When you click on the “about your applications environment” link on the
page, do you get anything ? That will tell you if you’re able to get
through fcgi and hit some actual rails/ruby code (the welcome page is


Alan, no, I don’t have anything. It says

Not Found
The requested URL /rails/info/properties was not found on this server.

So what did I do wrong? Last time I used RoR I didn’t do much, just set
it up, generate the controllers and add the scaffold instruction. It
seems that’s not enough anymore…


Is there anyone out there who could help me?

I have a lot of work to do but there’s no point on doing it if I can’t
see anything? Why can’t I?


Giulio Troccoli wrote:

Is there anyone out there who could help me?

I have a lot of work to do but there’s no point on doing it if I can’t
see anything? Why can’t I?


Thats way to big a question to answer simply. It looks like Apache
isn’t hitting the fcgi at all.

Have you tried running the app with webrick ? There’s really no need to
deal with all the apache/fcgi stuff this early in the game.

from your raisl app dir, type ‘script/server’. This will run your app
using Webrick on port 3000.

You should now be able to go to http://my.web.server:3000/ to see the
application. If you eget the welocme page and can successfully get the
‘environment’ link there working, your app is fine and will work in
development. This should tide you over for a while until you actually
need to deal with production deployment.


Alan F. wrote:

Thats way to big a question to answer simply. It looks like Apache
isn’t hitting the fcgi at all.

Sorry, I was being melodramatic :slight_smile:

Have you tried running the app with webrick ? There’s really no need to
deal with all the apache/fcgi stuff this early in the game.

You were right, the problem seems to be with Apache. I ran WEBrick and
everything works now.


The reason I want to use Apache are mainly two. One is that so I have
only one web server running and that keeps things clear and tidy. The
second reason is that I don’t want, if it’s possible, to have to type
the port number (spagnolo.troccoli.it:3000). I cannot obviously start
WEBrick on port 80 as Apache is already listening to that. If there is
another way to achieve the same result (i.e. not typing the port number)
I’ll be happy to try it out.
