I am looking for a free Ruby ide

I use NetBeans and it saves me a lot of time and effort.

Bookmarking, automatic indenting, and running diffs to previous versions
of the code are among the many features, I prefer not to do without.

Arthur Lyman
(914) 693-5113
mailto://[email protected]

From: Peter H. [email protected]
To: Ruby users [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: I am looking for a free Ruby ide

On 29 August 2013 14:33, thufir [email protected] wrote:

This is what keeps me from really committing energy to Ruby, because

eventually I run into a situation where I want and IDE and there just
isn’t one. Oh well.

Seems odd to me. One of the great things about Ruby for me was that you
didn’t need an IDE. I work just fine with Vi and Textmate. When I was
programming Java an IDE was a must because the language was just so
verbose (not just the amount of code that was written but also the
number of files you ended up creating). I wouldn’t touch Java without an
IDE but I have never been in a situation where I was stuck in Ruby and
thought “if only I had a proper IDE”.

What sort of situations are causing you problems that you believe that
an IDE would solve?

As an aside the other programmers here swear by RubyMine :frowning:

I swear by vim. If you’re a Unix guy that’s used to headless servers
it’s a

Now, as far as all this nonsense about having to manually do anything…
you actually bothered to learn regex, key bindings, and macros you would
realize just how preposterous that statement was.

Very consistently I’ve run circles around people dependant on an IDE or
editor. I’ll just flat out say it: if you require an IDE for Ruby,
doing it wrong and you’re giving yourself a horrible handicap.

As an example, I had to change a file and commit it to a repo. The
was renaming a variable across the file. It took me 5 seconds to find,
open, replace, and push to git. Try that with the graphical versions,
you’ll realize that the mouse is a rather cumbersome device.

(*how: ag.vim, fugitive.vim, s)

For quick editing I use ST3 or nano. For long focused sessions working
one application or library I use RubyMine, it has a lot of builtin
knowledge about Rails out of the box.

I used RubyMine for many years just because of the editor, but not as an
integrated environment. That is, edited in RubyMine and used the console
for everything else (rake, server, git, etc.). But lately I am
as much of it as I can.

As far as usage patterns is concerned, for many people Vim or Emacs
user for many years over here) are IDEs, only they do not call them
If they can jump to a method definition, they do it. If they can install
plugin that manages some refactor, they do it. If they can jump to the
file with a keystroke, they do it. Git commands without leaving the
Etc. But I find that to be a variant of Greenspun’s tenth rule.

By the way, IDEs != mouse. You can leave RubyMine with a naked frame
with code and manage everything with shortcuts, there are plenty (and

I use ed and occasionally compile ruby simply by using a tiny magnet to
switch bits on my hard drive. When I get tired I yell at people on the
interwebs which forced them to come up with uniq semiotic routines to
provide binary translation with conversational tuning. Upon the
of creating a artificial network of iconic proportions I weaved back
using a proprietary artistic redirection device to encode my custom
utilitarian ornaments to provide a sleek post modern design of the
primitive predication of engineering a useful more expensive
device. I know it’s a racket but hey on occasion we may get the term
confused with crowd and begin to notice how a cult following pay minimum
wages to remove the copy(right|left) and authors names.

Stu wrote in post #1120564:

I use ed and occasionally compile ruby simply by using a tiny magnet to
switch bits on my hard drive. When I get tired I yell at people on the
interwebs which forced them to come up with uniq semiotic routines to
provide binary translation with conversational tuning.

Oh yeah! Good old C-x M-c M-butterfly…

On Sep 3, 2013, at 10:14 PM, Stu [email protected] wrote:

I use ed and occasionally compile ruby simply by using a tiny magnet to switch
bits on my hard drive. When I get tired I yell at people on the interwebs which
forced them to come up with uniq semiotic routines to provide binary translation
with conversational tuning. Upon the realization of creating a artificial network
of iconic proportions I weaved back into using a proprietary artistic redirection
device to encode my custom utilitarian ornaments to provide a sleek post modern
design of the primitive predication of engineering a useful more expensive
manufacturing device. I know it’s a racket but hey on occasion we may get the term
open confused with crowd and begin to notice how a cult following pay minimum
wages to remove the copy(right|left) and authors names.

Brilliant! +1 stu

THUFIR H. wrote in post #1119966:

Guess I’m just cheap and used to free tools. I might take RubyMine for

You can expect people to release source code but you can’t expect
everything to be free of charge. RubyMine is an extensive IDE. The
lowest price I can see for Visual Studio is $1800 US.

RubyMine is free for open source development, free for use in a
classroom and if you’re a student it only costs $29. If you really need
the creature comforts, consider paying for it.

I suggest to try Codelobster: http://www.codelobster.com

The majority of Ruby IDE’s are actually not strictly limited to Ruby
