Husteon I've got a problem


This is my first contact with Ruby on Rails, and I am dissapointed of

I installed:

and the last version of APTANA

When I try to run the server I get the following error:

Cannot find gem for Rails =1.1.6:
Install the missing gem with ‘gem install -v=1.1.6 rails’, or
change environment.rb to define RAILS_GEM_VERSION with your
desired version.

Any help to run the server?


My assumption is that the wrong version of rails is set in
config/environment.rb. You should see a line like the following:

Specifies gem version of Rails to use when vendor/rails is not present

RAILS_GEM_VERSION = ‘1.2.5’ unless defined? RAILS_GEM_VERSION

Make sure it is set to 1.2.5 not 1.1.6. If this is set properly, is it
set wrong in the machines environment? If you are running Linux, does
the following command show 1.1.6 ?


If neither of these are the problem, it may be something with your
Aptana install. Can you start the webbrick server on the command line


or on windows (I think)

ruby script\server

If that starts ok, you will need to post to the Aptana forums for help.


Marcelo wrote:


William P.

On your project directory, inside /config there’s a environment.rb

Edit RAILS_GEM_VERSION variable to your current rails version (1.2.5).


I had same problem few days back.

Please follow these steps to make things working:

Install latest version of Ruby
install gems
after installing gems
in windows command line: gem install rails
then gem update
you can use Aptana or RadRails
Webrick is default server but you can install Mongrel as well,
goto your project directory through command line and type
mongrel_rails start -p 3000

try in browser http://localhost:3000

i hope it will work for you.

Happy Programming
