I have a list of files and I need to produce a string containing the
size of each file, but in human readable format. With that I mean
something like what df -h does: make an approximation to the nearest
unit (B, KB, MB, GB, etc). Is this already done somewhere? This is
what I have now:
Find.find(folder) do |file|
match = regexp.match(File.basename(file));
if match
size = File.stat(file).size
puts size # would like a human readable format
if match
size = File.stat(file).size
puts size # would like a human readable format
Like this:
class Numeric
def to_human
units = %w{B KB MB GB TB}
e = (Math.log(self)/Math.log(1024)).floor
s = “%.3f” % (to_f / 1024**e)
s.sub(/.?0*$/, units[e])
Note: this may be not 100% correct for very large values (like TB)
Math.log uses floating point arithmetic.
puts size # would like a human readable format
ls -Qsh1
Sorry, the above requirements are a simplification. For one I need to
retrieve only the file names that match a regexp, then depending on
parameters I need to gzip or delete the files and send an email with
the report of everything that was done and the free space before and
after in the disk, and some more things. So I’m writing a ruby program
to do that. I have a loop similar to the one above that does more
things, but one of them is to retrieve the file size for reporting,
and I would like to show human readable format a la -h flag for ls,
df, etc.
If there’s no solution already implemented in places like File,
FileUtils or so (I haven’t found it) I’ll go with a custom solution
similar to the solution posted by Huang Zhimin.
I have a list of files and I need to produce a string containing the
size of each file, but in human readable format. With that I mean
something like what df -h does: make an approximation to the nearest
unit (B, KB, MB, GB, etc). Is this already done somewhere?
I have a list of files and I need to produce a string containing the
size of each file, but in human readable format. With that I mean
something like what df -h does: make an approximation to the nearest
unit (B, KB, MB, GB, etc). Is this already done somewhere?