HTTPLimitRequest Module: Whitelisting IPs


I am trying to use the HTTPLimitRequests Module to prevent excessive
usage of resources on our server. However we also have some spikes which
seem to originate from search bots or other allowed usage. We want to
keep these requests from known IP adresses untouched and limit all other

Is there a way to whitelist IPs using this module?

Thank you for your answer!

Best regards,
Jonas Kaufmann

Posted at Nginx Forum:

Maybe you can use the map module(Module ngx_http_map_module) in
front of the limit request module.

2011/3/23 j0nes2k [email protected]

Were you able to figure out a way to do this? I am in the same
situation, I would like to whitelist internal IPs as well as some bots.
Our limit_req is in the same block as a fastcgi backend, so all requests
that hit fastcgi go through this block. I tried the if ($condition)
{limit_req} but this wasn’t allowed by nginx.

j0nes2k Wrote:

Is there a way to whitelist IPs using this module?

Thank you for your answer!

Best regards,
Jonas Kaufmann

Posted at Nginx Forum:


I have not tried this yet, however I have found another post with a
possible solution:

Please let us know if you succeeded in whitelisting IPs, and I will also
report back if I find a working solution.

Best regards,
Jonas Kaufmann

Posted at Nginx Forum: