and post_content ends up redirecting to non-https URL (which is
definitely wrong). BTW, I believe that post_content should change method
to :get on redirect.
Any ideas what might be wrong with the code (or library)?
resp = clnt.post_content LOGIN_URL,
Any ideas what might be wrong with the code (or library)?
I could log in to Google with this:
I’ve not used httpclient before or google’s API much so I don’t know
about GALX. I’ve used HTTParty for this sort of stuff though.
Thanks for the tip! I’ve tried net/http, RestClient and HTTPClient and
all failed in a similar manner. I think I’m doing something wrong and
I’d rather find out what it is than try yet another library.
I’ve not used httpclient before or google’s API much so I don’t know
about GALX. I’ve used HTTParty for this sort of stuff though.
Thanks for the tip! I’ve tried net/http, RestClient and HTTPClient and
all failed in a similar manner. I think I’m doing something wrong and
I’d rather find out what it is than try yet another library.
I don’t think the API for this is even released offically? But there is
lots of documented examples on Google’s website for other API services,
maybe they’ll help.
and post_content ends up redirecting to non-https URL (which is
definitely wrong). BTW, I believe that post_content should change method
to :get on redirect.
I noticed that this redirect only happened when a valid username and
password was entered. I hacked my copy of httpclient to not raise the
exception so I could take a look at what was being returned:
“If you’ve been redirected to this page from the sign-in box, we’ve
detected an error with your cookie settings. Please follow the
instructions for your browser listed below. After clearing your cache
and cookies, try signing in again.”
Unfortunately, this doesn’t work I changed parameters as you
suggested and got the same result. I’ve checked email and password many
times, they are correct.