Which brings up the other question… how do we want to handle the JS?
Due to how the HTML is written out JS is required to change the Story’s
and Scenario’s styles when a step fails or is pending. I did this with
lowpro for the rspec-story-tmbundle:
The current html formatter in trunk no longer requires js to apply
styles for failure or pending.
So that moves us along to looking at js to hide/show the backtrace.
The idea of showing the backtrace in the html has been something I’ve
been debating for a while. I did come to conclusion that as a developer
I have the build log (or terminal stories are run from) as a source for
story errors. Hence I felt I was best left leaving my stories clean for
the non-developer users of the stories.
I can see from your post that there is a usecase for a more developer
centric output.
My goal with the default story output was to get a standalone .html file
which can then be moved around and played with without having to worry
about managing css & js files. Pretty much just as the spec reporter
Thinking about a developer centric report and maintaining a standalone
html report starts to make me think about different formatters/reports.
- Default standalone
- Custom css
- Developer centric story report - js & customizable css
So this move us to something like:
*ruby stories/all.rb --format html
*ruby stories/all.rb --format html --css my_own.css
*ruby stories/all.rb --format developer-html
I think the first two are important and represent the majority of use
If we can separate the idea of js and backtrace output to a separate
formatter then we can start work on the first two outputs now (and make
story reports usable out of the box).
Then we can use a developer formatter as a sounding board for
advanced/verbose output (profiling each story aswell perhaps?).
Potentially Aslak’s new interface could move to this dev-formatter(or
some other formatter) so that we continue development without disturbing
those using the simple default output.
What do people think?
Joseph W.
Ben M. wrote:
David C. wrote:
On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 8:08 AM, Joseph W. [email protected]
To handle this I wrote a patch which delivered the styles in the html
formatters output. In much the same way as the html spec formatter
I know Aslak Helles�y has been looking at the editable html stories. Is
it acceptable to have stories have styles embedded in the html
formatter until Aslak’s editable stories project evolves?
I could imagine there are some arguments that the HTML output of
is something people might want to control the look and feel of, more so
than specs as they are seen more frequently by customers.
Perhapes by default the styles are embedded in the html formatter but
a CSS stylesheet is passed to the formatter than it will suppress this
output and use your custom css.
something like:
ruby stories/all.rb --format html --css my_own.css
That all sounds reasonable to me. Sensible defaults, yet configurable.
Other opinions?
I like that idea. I haven’t wanted to push back any of my changes to
HTML formatter because I knew that Aslak’s goal was to create a
facing editable HTML page.
However, for CI builds it is more useful as a programmer to not have
functionality and inline the backtrace as well (which is something most
customer’s wouldn’t want to see.) I vote for inlining the basic styles
and providing the way to configure it as suggested above. I think the
HTML formatter should include the backtrace and then JS can be used to
hide it for a customer-facing version.
Which brings up the other question… how do we want to handle the JS?
Due to how the HTML is written out JS is required to change the Story’s
and Scenario’s styles when a step fails or is pending. I did this with
lowpro for the rspec-story-tmbundle:
(The JS commented out in the file was the original JS that Aslak did for
the editable version.)
My JS is untested though (and only works for rspec 1.1.4), so I don’t
know if you want to incorporate it into rspec, plus it would require the
additional lowpro.js lib.
The bigger question, I think, is how to handle the required JS files. I
don’t think inlining the whole prototype lib is a good solution. So,
maybe we could default to generating full paths to the JS files which
reside in the rspec lib folder? Then we could allow options to be
in to modify the JS path, just like the CSS option above?
Any other suggestions/ideas of how to handle the external JS files?