Html inside of erb

Looking to embed the html ‘right guillemet’ (») inside of a
link_to reference in my view code…

<%= (role.rights.sort{|a, b| [a.controller, a.action] <=> [b.controller, b.action]}.collect{|rights| [link_to (rights.controller + " » " +
rights.action, :controller => “rights”, :action => “edit”, :id =>]}).join(“
”).html_safe -%>

which results in…

groups &raquo; add_member
groups &raquo; create
groups &raquo; delete_member
groups &raquo; destroy

which is not what I want obviously.

(and yes, I will probably just move this to a helper once I get it

Is it possible to embed HTML code inside the ‘link_to’ ?

Craig W. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[email protected]
1.800.869.6908 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Give an example of the html code.

I just did (» is the html I want embedded inside the ‘link_to’)


On Jan 16, 2012, at 10:21 AM, Charles A. Lopez wrote:

1.800.869.6908 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Craig W. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[email protected]
1.800.869.6908 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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On Jan 16, 2012, at 10:26 AM, Colin L. wrote:

(and yes, I will probably just move this to a helper once I get it working)

Is it possible to embed HTML code inside the ‘link_to’ ?

One way is to use “#{rights.controller} » #{rights.action}”.html_safe

I understand the process of using the #{} but that is still in the
middle of ‘link_to’ rails_tag helper and it seems that is the problem I
am having.


The problem is that the “inner” string is not marked as html_safe. In
link_to tag, this string is not considered html_safe:

link_to(*rights.controller + " &raquo; " + rights.action*, 

=> “rights”, :action => “edit”, :id =>

Colin’s suggestion, which is the solution, is to mark the inner string
html_safe. The easiest way to do this is to use the #{} notation instead
string concatenation:

link_to(*"#{rights.controller} &raquo; #{rights.action}".html_safe*,

:controller => “rights”, :action => “edit”, :id =>

On Jan 16, 2012, at 11:21 AM, Tim S. wrote:

The problem is that the “inner” string is not marked as html_safe. In your
link_to tag, this string is not considered html_safe:

link_to(rights.controller + " &raquo; " + rights.action, :controller => 

“rights”, :action => “edit”, :id =>

Colin’s suggestion, which is the solution, is to mark the inner string as
html_safe. The easiest way to do this is to use the #{} notation instead of string

link_to("#{rights.controller} &raquo; #{rights.action}".html_safe, 

:controller => “rights”, :action => “edit”, :id =>

I see said the blind man

and thanks Colin for the solution which was not apparent to me and I did
have to clean up the syntax errors but it works.



On 16 January 2012 17:15, Craig W. [email protected] wrote:

(and yes, I will probably just move this to a helper once I get it working)

Is it possible to embed HTML code inside the ‘link_to’ ?

One way is to use “#{rights.controller} »


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