I would like to implement a .htaccess security setup like the one
referenced here:
However, i am using mongrel and it bypasses .htaccess rules.
Does anyone have any suggestions on how I might get Mongrel to adhere
to an .htaccess document?
On 17 Jun 2008, at 20:53, histrionics wrote:
to an .htaccess document?
htaccess is an apache specific thing as far as I know, and on top of
that mongrel doesn’t have a mod_rewrite. Given that most people sit
mongrel behind apache or nginx you could do your filtering there. You
could have an interesting time though when users report some pages not
loading mysteriously
Just like Frederick said the .htaccess (also know as “distributed
configuration files”) file has nothing to do with Mongrel and is a
Apache only configuration file.
This is the reason why people use apache infront of mongrel. For the
added flexibility.