I have gem installed Hpricot-0.4 (mswin32) but no ri documentation or
rdoc documentation is installed along the library.
I have also tried the following gem command: gem install hpricot --ri
–rdoc with the same results.
These are the responses I obtain with ri and fri
c:\ruby>ri Hpricot
--------------------------------------------------------- Class:
(no description…)
c:\ruby>fri Hpricot
--------------------------------------------------------- Class:
(no description…)
Note: If mechanize (0.6.3) is not installed then
fri responds with an error message essentially stating that it cannot
find a file supposedly located in a folder within the mechanize-0.6.3
c:\ruby>fri Hpricot
`initialize’: No such file or directory -
I really need all the help that I can get to effectively use Hpricot. I
have look at _why website but the specific information I need
is not there … but 3/4 of the terms are strangers to me … yes I am
a newbie to html and a recent convert to Ruby.
My question is: where and how do I obtain the ri and rdoc documentation
for Hpricot?
and do I install the documenation so that fri can find it
Thank you for your assistance