Howto work with a page not generated by the scaffold?

I am a newbie Ruby and RoR user. In my tests using the turorials that
I found over the web, everthing is working fine and I am very impressed
about RoR framework.

As I am a Delphi developer, without any web development experience,
There is some thing hard to understando and I didn’t find a tutorial
about this.

I wonder how to create a non-scaffold page ? I have customers, products
and orders for example, and I want to create a page to view the orders
between two dates. So, I need a page that will ask for initial and final
date, I will select the records matching this criteria in the orders
date and joining this 3 tables?

Thanks in advance.


Look here :
You need to do the depot tutorial to understand the basic

You can download the source of the depot tutorial here. Watch the
source. Very good practice

hi all,
I’m reading the Agile WebDevelopment with Ruby on Rails but I obtain an
error for the code at page 111.
This is the error :
SyntaxError in Admin#ship
Showing app/views/admin/ship.rhtml where line #8 raised:

compile error
./script/…/config/…/app/views/admin/ship.rhtml:8: syntax error
_erbout.concat(( end _form_tag ).to_s); _erbout.concat “\n”
Extracted source (around line #8):


8: <%= end _form_tag %>

Trace of template inclusion: /app/views/admin/ship.rhtml

RAILS_ROOT: ./script/…/config/…

and this is the code :

Ordini da spedire

<%= form_tag(:action => "ship") %> <%= render(:partial => "order_line", :collection => @pending_orders) %>

<%= end _form_tag %>

What’s wrong with it ??



oo00oo wrote:


Look here :
You need to do the depot tutorial to understand the basic

You can download the source of the depot tutorial here. Watch the
source. Very good practice

Thank you oo00oo to answer my post.

This is a great book, I have it.

Maybe I missunderstood something… I will take a look on it again.

Anyway, Could someone give me the basics steps to create a page for
searching records in a join SQL ? I am not asking for a sample code.

Thank you

On Thursday, February 09, 2006, at 5:16 AM, Marco Casario wrote:


Extracted source (around line #8):


8: <%= end _form_tag %>

whitespace after end in <%= end _form_tag %>

should be <%= end_form_tag %>

Mikkel B. - Football Portal(DK) - Football News(DK) - Buy Old Stuff!(DK)

Rails mailing list
[email protected]

thanks :slight_smile: you got it :slight_smile:

too tired

----- Original Message -----
From: “Mikkel B.” [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, February 09, 2006 5:20 AM
Subject: Re: [Rails] Error on code of the book Aigle Web D.

This is a great book, I have it.

Maybe I missunderstood something… I will take a look on it again.

I don’t want to sound rude, but the Agile book answers your questions
virtually in the first chapter, you really should look at it again. I
suggest you not worry about the join table stuff until you at least feel
comfortable writing your own non-scaffold code.

There are also plenty of other tutorials about Rails that take you from
scaffolding pages to custom pages. The “4 Days on Rails” tutorial is
very good, although I don’t know if it’s been updated recently. http:// Curt H.’ tutorials are also very good and teach
you how to go beyond scaffolding. Radar – O’Reilly

Andrew Otwell wrote:

This is a great book, I have it.

Maybe I missunderstood something… I will take a look on it again.

I don’t want to sound rude, but the Agile book answers your questions
virtually in the first chapter, you really should look at it again. I
suggest you not worry about the join table stuff until you at least feel
comfortable writing your own non-scaffold code.

There are also plenty of other tutorials about Rails that take you from
scaffolding pages to custom pages. The “4 Days on Rails” tutorial is
very good, although I don’t know if it’s been updated recently. http:// Curt H.’ tutorials are also very good and teach
you how to go beyond scaffolding. Radar – O’Reilly


Thanks very much for your reply, you didn’t sound rude. I will
really start from the “beginning” of the Agile book.

Jose, I’m a java programmer working at a shop full of delphi programmers
and I have
watched a couple of them transition to java web apps. One thing that I
noticed is that,
when one is learning a new language and a new framework and
html/css/http all at the same
time, it’s very easy for stuff to get jumbled together… It can be hard
to distinguish
what the language/framework are doing for you vs. the basic standard web

So, you might want to spend a little time just reading through some
tutorials on xhtml and
css and how http post/get requests work. There’s lots of this stuff on
the web! w3schools
is a pretty decent site full of tutorials:

just my 2 cents…
