HowTo install plugins from github?

I am trying to install the in_place_editing plugin from github.

I have looked at and it
suggests the following command:

./script/plugin install git://

I have tried this and nothing happens e.g. ‘./script/plugin list’ does
not return anything.

Are there some prerequisites that I am overlooking?

Do I have any other options? It concerns me that my ./script/plugin
commands do not seem to be working - a result of an upgrade problem
perhaps ? ( I have recently upgraded my application to Rails 2.2.2 )


I have tried issuing the following command:

./script/plugin --verbose install

and I get:

Plugins will be installed using http
git init
git pull --depth 1 GitHub - rails/in_place_editing: NOTICE: official repository moved to

But again, I do not see any plugin under my vendor/plugins directory.

On 21 Jan, 20:05, “[email protected]

I should add that I am developing on an Ubuntu system and using svn to
manage my code.

On 21 Jan, 20:33, “[email protected]

The command on the site is slightly wrong. You’re missing the “.git”
at the end. You need to use the full “git clone URL” when installing a
plugin. You’ll see this link on the project page:

from which you need to run the command:

script/plugin install git://


On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 3:34 PM, [email protected]

Thanks for the response. So I tried:

./script/plugin --verbose install

and the following was output to my console:

Plugins will be installed using http
git init
git pull --depth 1 git://

But I still do not see anything in my plugins directory.

What is the ‘git’ command in the above? Do I need to install this

Hmm, that’s odd. It ran perfectly fine for me.

What happens when you do a straight clone of the project ( git clone
git:// ) ?

Here’s my command and output:

roelofs@trillian (svn) [master]~/proj $ ./script/plugin --verbose
install git://
Plugins will be installed using http
git init
Initialized empty Git repository in
git pull --depth 1 git://
Unpacking objects: 100% (18/18), done.
remote: Counting objects: 18, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (14/14), done.
remote: Total 18 (delta 4), reused 17 (delta 4)
From git://

  • branch HEAD -> FETCH_HEAD
    removing: .git


On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 3:58 PM, [email protected]

Two things are troubling me:

  1. I haven’t installed any git client software on my Ubuntu machine.
    That said, I read that script/plugin handles the fetching of code from
    the git repository and therefore I assume it is not necessary to
    install any git client software.

  2. I have upgraded from Rails 1.2.6 to 2.2.2 (and made the necessary
    changes to my application) but I am concerned that the script/plugin
    code is the same that was generated when I first generated my
    application using Rails 1.2.6, and thus may not support git (as I
    assume in (1)).

Um, you do need git installed.


Hi, like I said in another similar thread, you can simply download the
tarball or zipfile and extract the archive in your plugins folder, and
the plugin is installed. Installing git is however preferable and easier
for future updates.

Learn IT with videos in french language:


On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 5:08 PM, [email protected]
[email protected] wrote:

Two things are troubling me:

  1. I haven’t installed any git client software on my Ubuntu machine.
    That said, I read that script/plugin handles the fetching of code from
    the git repository and therefore I assume it is not necessary to
    install any git client software.

Um, you do need git installed.


On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 5:12 AM, Fernando P.
[email protected] wrote:

This isn’t true 100% of the time. Quite a few plugins rely on the
installation phase of script/plugin install to push config files / js
/ css / etc files up into the main Rails workspace. Just untarring
into your vendor/plugins does not run this installation process.

Thus, use script/plugin install. Make sure you have the binaries
installed for whatever SCM you use (SVN / git / etc).


I use a remote subversion repository to manage my application code,
and access it through my IDE or the command line using svn client

I assume though that I need to install git client programs (git-core?)
in order for script/plugin to be able to retrieve the in_place_editing
plugin from the Rails github repository. Correct?

Having retrieved it, I would then add it to my svn repository as I
would any file that I create.


How do I install the git on a mac ?
I installed the gitgem as shown in the git guide, but I still failed
in installing plugins from git

Hans M.
Prof Cognitive Ergonomics
St: Larsgatan 50, 58224 Linköping, Sweden
Phone: +46708371202

22 jan 2009 kl. 14.48 skrev Jason R.:

Check and see if you can find out more there.


I have successfully installed auto_complete and in_place_editing from

It was first necessary for me to install the git-core package on my
Ubuntu Hardy Heron machine (sudo apt-get install git-core).


On 22 Jan, 15:41, “[email protected]

I am having the same issue but on mac (leopard and rails 2.2), I
installed git but still I have no success installing plugin from the
git site. Any suggestions?


On Jan 23, 1:34 am, “[email protected]

My 2 cents: the bad news is you need to understand what git does, not
just use it. The good news is: here are some resources I wrote about
that while learning git for rails:

My experience was even worse. That worse that I started to dislike git
a lot. RoR is about keeping things simple and clear: now we have and
http, and svn, AND git for installing plugins, and some of it works
sometimes, but not always, and you need to install something else
first, etc. NOT a good evolution, if this goes on. The best way to
make a programming language less populair is make it cluttered,
complicated, illogical and unstable. Git is starting to do all that
for me. Hope it changes for the better. :frowning:

And the problem is? I mean, script/plugin install git… works exactly
as expected, if you have git installed and it works like it should.

Please state what problem you’re having instead of just blatantly
bashing something that works for 99% of the people who try to use it.


Jason R. wrote:

And the problem is? I mean, script/plugin install git… works exactly
as expected, if you have git installed and it works like it should.

Please state what problem you’re having instead of just blatantly
bashing something that works for 99% of the people who try to use it.


Hi All,

I have the same issue on MAC, git install always fail silently.
Since I am new to ROR, this is very difficult for me to understand what
happens (or not).

Here are a few facts that might help to diagnose the issue, even if only
1% are concerned, this represents at least 2 people now … :-/

About your application’s environment
Ruby version 1.8.6 (universal-darwin9.0)
RubyGems version 1.3.1
Rack version 1.0 bundled
Rails version 2.3.2
Active Record version 2.3.2
Action Pack version 2.3.2
Active Resource version 2.3.2
Action Mailer version 2.3.2
Active Support version 2.3.2
Edge Rails revision unknown
Application root /Users/me/Rails/project
Environment development
Database adapter sqlite3
Database schema version 20090419101050

MAC OS 10.5.6
macos:~$ sudo bash
bash-3.2# gem install git
Successfully installed git-1.0.5
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for git-1.0.5…
Installing RDoc documentation for git-1.0.5…
bash-3.2# git
bash: git: command not found

So it seems that the git gem is ‘‘successfully’’ installed but the git
command is not found. Did I do something wrong ? Well I am not even sure
this is supposed to install a git command, but if I try to install a
plugin in a ROR project, I have the following which results in nothing

macos:project$ script/plugin --verbose install
git:// -r rails-2.2
Plugins will be installed using http
git init
git pull --depth 1 git://

Any advice welcome, meanwhile I’ll keep trying manual install of
zip/tgz …


Olivier Buxter wrote:

I have the same issue on MAC, git install always fail silently.

(I assume you meant “Mac” [Macintosh], not “MAC” [media access card]. :slight_smile:

Since I am new to ROR, this is very difficult for me to understand what
happens (or not).

Your issue has nothing to do with Rails. Please read on.


MAC OS 10.5.6
macos:~$ sudo bash
bash-3.2# gem install git
Successfully installed git-1.0.5
1 gem installed
bash-3.2# git
bash: git: command not found

So it seems that the git gem is ‘‘successfully’’ installed but the git
command is not found.

Right. The git gem is not the Git client. The Git client is completely
independent of Ruby; you will need to install it just the same way you’d
install a Subversion or CVS client.

I’m not sure what the git gem does, but I would guess that it’s simply
some Ruby bindings for Git.

Did I do something wrong ? Well I am not even sure
this is supposed to install a git command, but if I try to install a
plugin in a ROR project, I have the following which results in nothing

macos:project$ script/plugin --verbose install
git:// -r rails-2.2

Yes, this will install nothing because you have no Git client installed.
I think script/plugin should print an error message in this case, but
unfortunately it doesn’t.


Any advice welcome, meanwhile I’ll keep trying manual install of
zip/tgz …

Install an actual Git client. Problem solved.

The situation is analogous to the situation with DBs: there are gems
with Ruby bindings for mySQL, PostgreSQL, etc., but you need to install
the DB software separately. Git integration works the same way.



Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]