i found a description of Smalltalk in
and then I tried it in Ruby:
h = Hash.new(0)
print "Enter line: "
gets.downcase.each_byte {|b| c = “%c” % b; h[c] += 1 if c =~ /[a-z]/}
p h.sort
C:\rails\depot>ruby count_alpha2.rb
Enter line: This is a test of the line count
[[“a”, 1], [“c”, 1], [“e”, 3], [“f”, 1], [“h”, 2], [“i”, 3], [“l”, 1],
[“n”, 2],
[“o”, 2], [“s”, 3], [“t”, 5], [“u”, 1]]
I just wonder how would you write it? There is no each_char it seems,
unless with ActiveSupport.
On Sun, 23 Sep 2007 02:37:28 +0900, SpringFlowers AutumnMoon wrote:
I just wonder how would you write it? There is no each_char it seems,
unless with ActiveSupport.
running away but a quick idea: you could use Integer#chr to get a char
(well, a one-byte-string) from an integer.
And, since you’re dwelling with bytes anyway, you could just do a test
if c =~ ?a…?z
(?a being the literal to get the integer value of a character)
So something like:
gets.downcase.each_byte {|b| h[c.chr] += 1 if c =~ ?a…?z}
On 9/22/07, gabriele renzi [email protected] wrote:
On Sun, 23 Sep 2007 02:37:28 +0900, SpringFlowers AutumnMoon wrote:
I just wonder how would you write it? There is no each_char it seems,
unless with ActiveSupport.
So something like:
gets.downcase.each_byte {|b| h[c.chr] += 1 if c =~ ?a…?z}
Here’s another way:
puts “Enter line:”
h = Hash.new(0)
gets.scan(/[a-zA-Z]/) {|ch| h[ch.downcase] += 1 }
p h.sort
Rick DeNatale
My blog on Ruby
Rick DeNatale schrieb:
Here’s another way:
puts “Enter line:”
h = Hash.new(0)
gets.scan(/[a-zA-Z]/) {|ch| h[ch.downcase] += 1 }
p h.sort
Well, we need an inject solution, right?
p gets.downcase.scan(/[a-z]/).inject({}){|h,c|
And this seems conceptually easier and it’s slightly faster(if I
benchmarked it correctly):
input = gets
h = Hash.new(0)
input.scan(/[a-z]/){|char| h[char] += 1}
p h.sort
require “benchmark”
input = “123Hello+#”
h = Hash.new(0)
Benchmark.bm(20) do |br|
br.report(“scan with block:”) do
200_000.times do
input.downcase.scan(/[a-z]/){|char| h[char] += 1}
p h.sort
h = Hash.new(0)
Benchmark.bm(20) do |br|
br.report(“scan with inject:”) do
200_000.times do
input.downcase.scan(/[a-z]/).inject(h) do |h, c|
h[c] += 1
p h.sort
user system total real
scan with block: 2.690000 0.010000 2.700000 ( 2.714077)
[[“e”, 200000], [“h”, 200000], [“l”, 400000], [“o”, 200000]]
user system total real
scan with inject: 2.830000 0.020000 2.850000 ( 2.856019)
[[“e”, 200000], [“h”, 200000], [“l”, 400000], [“o”, 200000]]
Simon Kröger wrote:
Rick DeNatale schrieb:
Here’s another way:
puts “Enter line:”
h = Hash.new(0)
gets.scan(/[a-zA-Z]/) {|ch| h[ch.downcase] += 1 }
p h.sort
Well, we need an inject solution, right?
p gets.downcase.scan(/[a-z]/).inject({}){|h,c|
How about:
p gets.downcase.scan(/[a-z]/).inject(Hash.new(0)){|h, c| h[c]+= 1;
7stud – wrote:
And this seems conceptually easier and it’s slightly faster(if I
benchmarked it correctly):
input = gets
h = Hash.new(0)
input.scan(/[a-z]/){|char| h[char] += 1}
p h.sort
Whoops. I didn’t downcase the input in that example, but I did downcase
the input in the benchmark tests. In any case, apologies to Rick
Denatale who already posted that solution.
On Sep 22, 2:39 pm, “Rick DeNatale” [email protected] wrote:
Here’s another way:
puts “Enter line:”
h = Hash.new(0)
gets.scan(/[a-zA-Z]/) {|ch| h[ch.downcase] += 1 }
p h.sort
More verbose but a teensy bit quicker by avoiding regex & downcase:
lambda do |str|
h = Hash.new(0)
str.each_byte do |b|
if (b > 96 && b < 123)
h[b.chr] += 1
elsif (b > 64 && b < 91)
h[(b+32).chr] += 1