Don’t worry about rebuttal on this one. This battle is already over,
the war is not.
I have much experience as a past consultant and manager of consultants
dropping out of the sky into new customers where the shop is die-hard MS
whatever, with my “new” technology to change the shop over. In my
it was always a case where senior management made a strategic choice and
had to “change” the staff to learn, accept, and prosper with our new
development environment. It is slightly different than what you have
in my cases it was always a management mandate, but hear me out. It
matter if it is management or the developers themselves that resist, the
problem is how to address the resistance.
Tools/languages are a religion, but more importantly, they are sometimes
a person knows and they do not want to take on the risk and effort to
an entire department. It is a lot of work. They will resist until the
of time. They also may enjoy golfing with the MS sales rep and don’t
to give up the free days at the country club. Sometimes you will never
the underlying resistance as it may be hidden.
I found it always best to PROVE the new technology. Estimates are
numbers and easy to be discounted by either side.
PROVE RoR by offering to develop a small prototype in parallel or
sequentially to an identical effort in MS technologies (it can be a
project). Make the duration 1 week each (or 3 days, whatever). Present
results after the experiment is over and offer sincere benefits and
drawbacks of each. Offer to do it in off-hours if you have to.
Do not do the experiment in a vacuum. Be very inclusive of the opposing
parties, making sure they are involved in the process. They fear what
are unfamiliar with and this is a way for them to dip their toes in to
waters. If you work in your cube alone, the “two sides” separation will
perpetuated. Get someone from this manager’s team to participate with
the 2
of you working side-by-side on Rails prototype and then follow it up
the 2 of you working the MS prototype. This person will be your
Your message will always be self-serving in their eyes.
In every case, I had to win over the religion by letting the opposing
see and experience the benefits first-hand. Success, confidence and
talk; estimates do not, especially those delivered by someone who will
a natural bias to support their desired outcome.
Failing the above, get your resume/CV together and go to a company where
don’t have to fight a long battle. There are many shops where you’ll be
able to focus on the business problem and not the technology selection.