The functions getpeername() and getsockname() SHOULD also always
return the addresses of the first subflow if the socket is used by an
MPTCP-aware application, in order to be consistent with MPTCP-unaware
applications, and, e.g., also with the Stream Control Transmission
Protocol (SCTP). Instead of getpeername() or getsockname(),
MPTCP-aware applications can use new API calls, described in
Section 5.3, in order to retrieve the full list of address pairs for
the subflows in use.
Since iOS7 supports TCP Multipath now, I think more and more devices
will start support it.
Not if the servers don’t support it.
Apple pushed for a specific reason:
To avoid having a broken TCP session when the IP address of the handheld
changes, which would interrupt Apple’s Siri.
But TCP multipath is still not supported by linux mainline and I don’t
see efforts on linux-netdev to include it anytime soon. I understand
is a maintained and uptodate patchset available, but that doesn’t mean
it will be included in the kernel soon.
But TCP Multipath allows many client IPs connected to the same server,
suppose Nginx in this case, how would access_log record all of the IPs?