Rafal C. wrote in post #1112088:
Let’s say I have the following four unless
statements in a row. At
first I thought about using if
and elsif
statements and negate the
condition but I’m not sure which way is suitable/readable/good-practice.
unless @params.include?(:js_code) || @params.include?(:code_url)
raise BadParameters, ‘You must include at least one…’
unless @params.include?(:compilation_level)
raise BadParameters, ‘The :compilation_level…’
unless @params.include?(:output_format)
raise BadParameters, ‘The :output_format…’
unless @params.include?(:output_info)
raise BadParameters, ‘The :output_info…’
Thanks in advance!
I think they’re fine. When it comes to logical statements for error
handling, keeping it simple, systematic, and easy to understand is a
good thing. Building some larger, more complex expressions just to make
the code shorter will only obfuscate it and require a reader to do more
interpretation in the head to make sense of it.
Possibly, you can define a helper method for the simple cases like this:
def required(name, message)
unless @params.include?(name)
raise BadParameters, message
and turn three of them into:
required(:compilation_level, ‘The :compilation_level…’)
required(:output_format, ‘The :output_format…’)
required(:output_info, ‘The :output_info…’)
If the messages are completely uniform (except for the parameter name of
course), you can also do it this way:
def required(names)
names.each do |name|
unless @params.include?(name)
raise BadParameters, “The #{name} …”
required([:compilation_level, :output_format, :output_info])