Hi All,
I just used gem to install the package “sys-admin” from the RubyForge
sysadmin project by Daniel B… The example that Daniel provided
for using sys-admin worked fine.
I’d like to use ri to display the RDoc documentation, but I can’t
figure out how.
The package is installed at K:_Utilities\Ruby_1.8.2-15\ruby\lib\ruby
The rdoc subdirectory had files like fr_???_index.html for ??? =
class, file, method. Double-clicking them does produce RDoc-style
documentation. But how can I use ri to bring up that documentation
without resorting to Windows Explorer?
I tried a few other things to no avail. The following ri command
produces documentation of the “class” method of the class Object, not
a list of classes of the sys-admin package:
mswin32\rdoc>ri class
obj.class => class
Returns the class of _obj_, now preferred over +Object#type+, as
object’s type in Ruby is only loosely tied to that object’s
This method must always be called with an explicit receiver, as
+class+ is also a reserved word in Ruby.
1.class #=> Fixnum
self.class #=> Object
I thought “ri index” might do it, but instead I got:
mswin32\rdoc>ri index
More than one method matched your request. You can refine
your search by asking for information on one of:
Array#each_index, Array#index, Array#indexes, Array#rindex,
Enumerable#each_with_index, Generator#index, Hash#index,
Hash#indexes, String#index, String#rindex
Thanks in advance,