I have a nested resource hotel_user and i wish to have
hotel_users_controller under hotel namespace.
I want to use restful authentication here and I want
hotel_users_controller, sessions_controller in hotel directory like
hotel/hotel_users_controller and hotel/sessions_controller. I tried with
the following command in terminal and it failed.
script/generate authenticated hotel_user hotel/session
and it failed with the error
The name ‘AuthenticatedSystem’ is either already used in your
application or reserved by Ruby on Rails.Please choose an alternative
and run this generator again.
The authenticated_system.rb file exists for some other resource under
lib directory and not for hotel_user. the generator is seeing it and
fails the generation of files. what can I do? please help
lucky in ruby wrote:
I have a nested resource hotel_user and i wish to have
hotel_users_controller under hotel namespace.
I want to use restful authentication here
No you don’t. restful_authentication should never be used: it relies
too much on unmaintainable generated code that takes over your User
model. It was OK when better alternatives didn’t exist, but they do
now. Use Authlogic or something else reasonable.
Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]
Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote:
lucky in ruby wrote:
I have a nested resource hotel_user and i wish to have
hotel_users_controller under hotel namespace.
I want to use restful authentication here
No you don’t. restful_authentication should never be used: it relies
too much on unmaintainable generated code that takes over your User
model. It was OK when better alternatives didn’t exist, but they do
now. Use Authlogic or something else reasonable.
Besides your choice of authentication systems, it also sounds to me like
you may be confusing authentication and authorization. If you want to
add some sort of role based authorization then take a look at one of the
authorization gems/plugins such as CanCan.
I could be misunderstanding your needs. If so then just ignore this
Marnen Laibow-Koser wrote:
lucky in ruby wrote:
I have a nested resource hotel_user and i wish to have
hotel_users_controller under hotel namespace.
I want to use restful authentication here
No you don’t. restful_authentication should never be used: it relies
too much on unmaintainable generated code that takes over your User
model. It was OK when better alternatives didn’t exist, but they do
now. Use Authlogic or something else reasonable.
Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]
Thank you. I will use authlogic. I have just entered rails horizon and
thank you so much for the recommendation.