How to use rails debug?

I wish to debugging my app.I install gem and start my console by using
–debug option .
But i don’t know how to use it.

Give me some helpful starting for core .
I search and get some good pages, but when i fire commands ,not

How trace methods ?
How to trace variable ?


Fahim Babar Patel

You should use “pry” gem. It is much easier.


1.Is pry is best for debugging in your experience .

2 .Can it work same as we work on console ? or we have to learn some
command ?

  1. Can we debug our controller and model methods line by line ?

I know i have lots of questions ?
Just give me one line answer which i can understood.


The answer of first and third question is yes.
It also works on console. No new tool or commands needed to be learned.

i have one more problem can u solve this…
This question is related to cucumber and capybara.

I am handling three form in one page . It means i am handling three
this three are connected to each other using association.
I am using nested form concept.

In development stage working perfectly.
When i write feature file to test , i dont know how to fill my inner
text field.

I will explain u .
Assume three model a,b,c.

a[b][c][0][attibutes] # name generated by rail is this

when i write this step in file
fill_in “a[b][c][0][attibutes]” , :with=>testing
i get error
cannot fill in, no text field, text area or password field with id,
or label a[b][c][0][attibutes]

Hope u all understood problem

I am not able to help you in integration testing as I have never done
Anybody please help him.