How to use observe_field with text_field

<%form_tag :action=>“some_action” do -%>

<%=observe_field :user_name,:update=>"name_response",:url=> {:controller=>"login",:action=>"check_name"},:with=>"input_name",:on=>"blur"- %>
<%=text_field "user","name"-%>
.... <%end-%> #view the check_name method just renders a partial to response the ajax. the observe_field works properly when it is used for select ,but not for text_filed.i can not see any event to be invoked and not be able to debug.i have searched the forum to get answer,but seems not to find it about it.thanks.


On Thu, 2009-03-05 at 18:49 -0800, daociyiyou wrote:

<%form_tag :action=>“some_action” do -%>

<%=observe_field :user_name,:update=>"name_response",:url=>

You’re using form_tag which means that the params hash is not bound to
an object. Both your text_field syntax and your observe_field syntax
assume otherwise. Make them match. Also, you’re headed for nothing but
trouble trying to use Ajax on tables. Microsoft controls how tables
work. And they don’t work well with Ajanx.


<%=text_field "user","name"-%>


On Thu, 2009-03-05 at 23:04 -0800, daociyiyou wrote:


You’re welcome.

Best regards,