How can I use to output data to development.log so that I
can then just “tail” that log, rather than getting information
It looks to me like the the SELECT resulting from
FeedsController#add_some_tags is causing the
ActiveRecord::HasManyThroughCantAssociateNewRecords error message, but
I can’t be sure.
When I get home I’ll play around with it. I need to determine why I’m
getting ActiveRecord::HasManyThroughCantAssociateNewRecords , that the
records have no id. The records do have an ID field, which isn’t
null, but somehow that information isn’t getting to where it needs to:
ActiveRecord::HasManyThroughCantAssociateNewRecords in
Cannot associate new records through ‘Feed#colors’ on ‘#’. Both
must have an id in order to create the has_many :through record
associating them.
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