HOw to use javascript in rails?

Hi to all,

I am a newbie in rails or ROR, can we use javascript in rails?
Any documentation or blog will be welcome.


Hunt H. wrote:

Hi to all,

I am a newbie in rails or ROR, can we use javascript in rails?
Any documentation or blog will be welcome.


Hunt, looks like you have jumped into this question without bothering to
google for it first, anyway…here is how you include them

<%= javascript_include_tag “yourjavascript.js” %>
<%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>

If you are looking for a working rails application, goto and download Craigslist Clone

Follow it and replicate your own as per your requirements. If you have
question on the craigslist clone, ask them in the forum. Anything
regarding rails you can ask here.


Rails L. wrote:

Hunt H. wrote:

Hi to all,

I am a newbie in rails or ROR, can we use javascript in rails?
Any documentation or blog will be welcome.


Hunt, looks like you have jumped into this question without bothering to
google for it first, anyway…here is how you include them

<%= javascript_include_tag “yourjavascript.js” %>
<%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>

If you are looking for a working rails application, goto and download Craigslist Clone

Follow it and replicate your own as per your requirements. If you have
question on the craigslist clone, ask them in the forum. Anything
regarding rails you can ask here.


You can use:

<% javascript :defaults, ‘your_custom_java_page’, ‘another_page’ %>

in your application layout file.

You can also create the following in your application_helper.rb file

def javascript(*files)
content_for(:head) { javascript_include_tag(*files) }

And if you want specific content on a page you could place:

<%= javascript(‘your_custom_file’) %>

However, keep in mind that when you go to production later on, you’ll
want to probably combine all those files into one file, cleaned of white
spaces, and I use a plugin called Asset Packager which instead of doing
all of the above, does the following:

<%= javascript_include_merged :base %>

Which if you are in development mode, it knows to just use the defaults,
but when you are in production mode, it knows to use the base_packaged