Recently I read that the following find
Type 1
Post.find(:first, :conditions => [‘status = ? and active = ?’, 1, 1])
can be written as
Type 2
Post.find(:first, :conditions => { :status => 1, :active => 1 })
But how do I include LIKE operator in Type 2 find?
I never used but
this may work Post.find(:first,:conditions[ ‘status like ? and active
?’, 1, 1])
On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 5:07 PM, Rails L. <
sorry , conditions should be hash
Post.find(:first,:conditions=>[ ‘status like ? and active like ?’, 1,
On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 5:14 PM, Narendra sisodiya
<[email protected]
2009/7/12 Rails L. [email protected]:
Post.find(:first, :conditions => { :status => 1, :active => 1 })
But how do I include LIKE operator in Type 2 find?
I believe that you cannot use LIKE in the Type 2 find.
I like the type 2. But your example is a better candidate for named
like defining named scope ‘active’ and using like,
On Jul 12, 5:37 pm, Rails L. [email protected]