How to use fields_for for child update in 1-to-many in rails 3.1.3?

A user has many user_levels and a user_level belongs to a user. We are
having difficulty updating the user_level. Here is the code for
user_level update:

<%= simple_form_for @user do |f| %>
  <% @user.user_levels.each do |level| %>
    <%= f.fields_for :user_levels, level, :index => level do |

builder| %>

<%= render :partial => ‘user_levels’, :locals => {:f =>
builder, :i_id => level.position} %>

<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

The code above will display the current user_level with selected set
to the current position. But the update was not saved for user_level.

Here is the user_levels partial

<div class="fields">
  <%= f.input :position, :collection => return_position, :prompt

=> “Choose position”,
:label => false, :include_blank =>
true, :selected => i_id %>
<%= link_to_remove_fields “remove”, f %>

Here is the string posted to the server for params[:user]. There are
currently two positions for the user and one gets deleted as update:

{"name"=>"test eng", "login"=>"tester12", "password"=>"password",

“password_confirmation”=>“password”, “user_type”=>“employee”,
“1”=>{“position”=>“elec_eng”, “_destroy”=>“false”, “id”=>“6”}}}

The app has no problem creating a new user with multiple user_levels.

Any solution for child update? Thanks so much

I recommend you visit Ryan B. site and watch
episodes 196 and 197.
You should go ahead and subscribe, so he will keep doing stuff like


On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 5:37 PM, emc_lab [email protected] wrote:

   <% end %>

=> “Choose position”,
“1”=>{“position”=>“elec_eng”, “_destroy”=>“false”, “id”=>“6”}}}

The app has no problem creating a new user with multiple user_levels.

Any solution for child update? Thanks so much

Strange. The params hash seems correct (I did some similar tests in my
app). If I understand correctly, this should do:

  • leave the user_level with id 5 untouched
  • update the position of user_level with id 6 (if it was changed)

The “_destroy”=>“false” should not matter

Which one of the two user_levels gets deleted (with id 5 or id 6).

If you puts the user.user_levels (in the controller) just before the
update_attributes line, like below, you can make sure the user_levels
are still there just before.

def update

add this to debug the status just before the update_attributes

puts user.user_levels.inspect



Also, you could try the update_attributes action in the rails console
to isolate the problem.

user = User.find …
h = {“name”=>“test eng”, “login”=>“tester12”, “password”=>“password”,
“password_confirmation”=>“password”, “user_type”=>“employee”,
“1”=>{“position”=>“elec_eng”, “_destroy”=>“false”, “id”=>“6”}}}

That is how tested the expected behavior (of course with different model
names for my app).



*** Available for a new project ***

Peter V.