How to use ‘constantize’ in custom contr oller module

I have a module like this:

module Controller
module LocaleModels
def self.included(base)
base.send :include, InstanceMethods

module InstanceMethods
  def locale_Lexeme; constantize_model('Lexeme') end
  def locale_Synthetic; constantize_model('Synthetic') end
  def locale_Property; constantize_model('Property') end

  def constantize_model(common_part)
    eval(I18n.locale.capitalize + '::' + common_part).constantize


But I kept getting

NoMethodError (undefined method `constantize’ for #Class:0x2483b0c)

I guess I cannot use ‘constantize’ in a custom module.

But can you please offer some workaround?

On Aug 9, 2009, at 9:39 AM, boblu wrote:

 def locale_Lexeme; constantize_model('Lexeme') end

But I kept getting

NoMethodError (undefined method `constantize’ for #Class:0x2483b0c)

I guess I cannot use ‘constantize’ in a custom module.

But can you please offer some workaround?

This may not be the problem, but why are you using eval?
ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::String::Inflections defines constantize
as a method on String. It would seem to me that this would work:

(I18n.locale.capitalize + ‘::’ + common_part).constantize

However, if you are looking for a class, investigate classify instead.

Maybe there’s something I’m missing here that requires use of eval?
What happens in script/console if you type the expression in?

Thank you for your reply.

Actually, that eval is a typo. But I found by removing that ‘eval’ did
resolved my problem here.

Thank you very much.