I apologize for asking such a basic question, but I have a RoR
application I
started developing last July and would like to continue working on it
Since that time, I have updated my rails version to 2.2.2 and, since I
really don’t have anything to lose, would like to update this
2.1.0) application to 2.2.2.
I tried running:
$ rake rails:upgrade
and nothing happened (as verified by git)
So then I tried editing config/environment.rb and changing
to 2.2.2 and then running:
$ rake rails:upgrade
and now things have changed.
Is it really as simple as that?
Where should I have looked for documentation about this? (If such
documentation doesn’t exist, I would be glad to add it, but I fear that
would be as simple as the 2 sentences shown above.)
shows an update task but not an upgrade one (in my 2.1.1 app). The
rails:update task only updates “configs, scripts and public/javascripts
Rails.” It doesn’t update Rails itself. If you have Rails in
then you’ll have to replace that w/ 2.2.2. If you’re depending on gems,
it should be as easy as setting RAILS_GEM_VERSION and running rake
rails:update. Now, that doesn’t mean that your app will work or your
tests/specs will pass. You may have to make some changes.
On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 10:38 AM, Codeblogger [email protected]
Hi Patrick,
what do your tests/specs tell you? Do they pass?
I forgot to mention that all of the tests pass before and after running the
$ rake rails:update
The main reason that I forgot to mention that was that, ummm… erhhh…
Well, you see, at the time I wrote that, it wasn’t strictly true. But
it is
And yes, Craig, that should have been “rake rails:update” not “rake
rails:upgrade”… that was a silly typo on my part. Also, I had
used gem to update my rails installation.
So now, I would like to go add a page to the Wiki that says something
If you want to update to a newer version of Rails, here is what you
Run “rake test” and make sure that all of your tests pass.
Ensure that you have the newer version of Rails installed (e.g. via
Check in your code using your favorite SCMS.
Edit config/environment.rb and set RAILS_GEM_VERSION to match the
of Rails to which you wish to update
run “rake update” to update the configuration files (such as boot.rb
environment.rb), scripts, and javascript files to reflect the newer
of Rails.
run “rake test” to make sure that all of your tests still pass
Fire up your browser and make sure things look “normal” (for suitable
definition of “normal”).
Does this sound about right to folks? Is there any reason (within
that this same procedure couldn’t be used to downgrade an application
for example, if you wanted to use a plugin that only worked with 2.1.0,
you had been developing in 2.2.2)? I wouldn’t expect it to work to
from 2.2.2 to, say, 0.3.1, but it seems like it ought to work for
in the 2.x.y series.
of Rails to which you wish to update
you had been developing in 2.2.2)? I wouldn’t expect it to work to switch
from 2.2.2 to, say, 0.3.1, but it seems like it ought to work for anything
in the 2.x.y series.
Worked out perfect for me. I updated a Rails 2.1 (Restful
Authentication with all the bells and whistles (new 9/05/08)) app to
enable ActiveScaffolding (which works only on rails 2.2. Tnx.
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