Let’s say I have created a program and saved it as test.rb
If I want to update the contents of the code (without manually editing
from np++ or any text editor)
All I want to know is if there is a way for me to create another ruby
file write stuff, run it and bam the actual test.rb is now updated with
new features/patches/code.
I’m asking this because I’m working on a project and my friends and I
have the same code on our own laptop’s so and we keep updating the code
so I don’t want to go to facebook and tell my friends to do this, do
that via a text editor.
The another reason I’m asking about updating .rb and not .exe is also
because we are using different windows bit type so 64-bit exe would fail
in 32.
I tired googling but no hope.
cynic limbu wrote in post #1160977:
Let’s say I have created a program and saved it as test.rb
If I want to update the contents of the code (without manually editing
from np++ or any text editor)
Vcs : git hg bazard …
“If I want to update the contents of the code (without manually editing
from np++ or any text editor)”
You could use ruby scripts to write to the files.
and modify the buffer before writing it back again.
“All I want to know is if there is a way for me to create another ruby
file write stuff, run it and bam the actual test.rb is now updated with
new features/patches/code.”
You can do all that behaviour - all you need to do is write the code
that does what you desire there.
and modify the buffer before writing it back again.
You can do all that behaviour - all you need to do is write the code
that does what you desire there.
Hi, Could you post some example codes?
Thank you.