How to update Ruby >>> CentOS

my data center has installed Ruby for me
it is: ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-08 patchlevel 173) [i686-linux]

i want to have it updated for 1.9.1

I am waiting for help,
Thanks alot.

Seems like what you need is RVM. Makes it easy to install additional
Rubies without ruining your system ruby dependencies.


Jason S. wrote:

Seems like what you need is RVM. Makes it easy to install additional
Rubies without ruining your system ruby dependencies.


i really can’t understand the commands in the link you gave me.

would you mind type here the commands to update Ruby to the version
1.9.1 ?

*when i try yum ubdate ruby:
root@server [~]# yum update ruby
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile

I am waiting the commands to update Ruby

There is no official CentOS package for ruby 1.9. You will either
need to compile* and install it, or download a compatible RPM from the
internet and install that instead.

A quick google search shows a few options, like this page (I’m not vouching for
it, I just found it on google).

Good luck

  • Note, if you compile it yourself, you probably want to append 1.9 or
    1.9.1 or whatever to the binaries, otherwise things may get confused.