How to uninstall locally installed ruby?


  1. Why there is no target ‘uninstall’ in Makefile (generated by
  2. How to uninstall locally installed ruby?

I just compiled and locally installed version 1.9 and want to roll back
to 1.8



On 30/03/2008, Artem V. [email protected] wrote:


  1. Why there is no target ‘uninstall’ in Makefile (generated by ./configure)?


  1. How to uninstall locally installed ruby?

Assuming you have the original source tree, you could do:

make -n install > ./somefile

And edit “somefile”: s/cp|install/rm -fr/g – as apropos, and then
run the file through your shell.

– Thomas A.

2008/3/31, Thomas A. [email protected]:

Hmm. I’d prefer there was better way.

But thanks!