How To: Tutorial on developing a Facebook application using Ruby on Rails (Part I)


I’ve published a new how-to tutorial that shows you how to develop
a Facebook application using Ruby on Rails running in the Facebook
canvas using Facebook Markup Language (FBML). In the tutorial we will
create a mini-version of 43Things running inside Facebook that lets
you and your friends post your goals (e.g. Learn Spanish in Mexico
City. See Polar Bears Up Close. Take Thai Cooking Course in Bangkok
and so forth) and add comments.

Read more @


Any comments, corrections or additions about the tutorial on
developing a Facebook application using Ruby on Rails? Send them along
to the rfacebook Mailing List/Forum @

Excellent tutorial Gerald.

Gerald B. wrote:


I’ve published a new how-to tutorial that shows you how to develop
a Facebook application using Ruby on Rails running in the Facebook
canvas using Facebook Markup Language (FBML). In the tutorial we will
create a mini-version of 43Things running inside Facebook that lets
you and your friends post your goals (e.g. Learn Spanish in Mexico
City. See Polar Bears Up Close. Take Thai Cooking Course in Bangkok
and so forth) and add comments.

Read more @


Any comments, corrections or additions about the tutorial on
developing a Facebook application using Ruby on Rails? Send them along
to the rfacebook Mailing List/Forum @