Here’s my current loop:
update_total = model.find(:all)
update_total.each do |row|
val = ((row.totoff + row.rushoff + row.passoff + row.scoroff +
row.rzonoff + row.fumlost + row.passhint + row.tolost + row.sacksall +
row.tackflossall + row.passeff + row.firdwns + row.thrdwncon +
row.totals = val
puts “Team = #{} and total val = #{val}.”
This of course looks sloppy. I thought I could use something similar:
val = row.inject(0){|sum,item| sum + item}
… but I can’t figure out how to use this without it adding specific
columns, namely…
team_id, totals, compiled_on, created_at, updated_at
… these 5 columns should be exempt from sums…
It’s not overly important and I can work around it. I guess I just want
to keep my code as clean as possible and didn’t know if there is a more
preferred way to sum up a row’s totals in rails…
Älphä Blüë wrote:
… but I can’t figure out how to use this without it adding specific
columns, namely…
team_id, totals, compiled_on, created_at, updated_at
… these 5 columns should be exempt from sums.
How about using [:column1, :column2, …] - [:team_id, :totals, …] ?
Remember, Array#- actually works in Ruby.
Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]
Thanks Marnen,
I had a feeling it was going to be simpler than I was trying to make it
out to be. Appreciate the info…
I think I’ve learned more about arrays and hashes in ruby this week over
anything, which is a good thing.
Thanks for the advice Craig. I’m always looking for better way to do
things. Much appreciated.
On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 12:50 PM, Älphä Blüë <
[email protected] > wrote:
Here’s my current loop:
update_total = model.find(:all)
update_total.each do |row|
val = ((row.totoff + row.rushoff + row.passoff + row.scoroff +
row.rzonoff + row.fumlost + row.passhint + row.tolost + row.sacksall +
row.tackflossall + row.passeff + row.firdwns + row.thrdwncon +
Instead of querying the model for all of this data, I recommend
encapsulating this calculation in the model itself. Also, I’d give
meaningful names to 14.0 and 4 to clearly communicate what purpose they
serve in the calculation.
Then your loop could be:
Model.all.each do |model|
puts …
Craig D.
Mutually Human Software
Technology Made for Humans by humans Data Analytics Data Analytics Data has become a critical part of business for most organizations. We work with you to ensure you have confidence in your data, can properly access it, and present it in a way that...
Est. reading time: 13 minutes
Älphä Blüë wrote:
Hi Craig,
Did you mean something like this?
Both methods are in the model…
def recalculate_totals(row)
You don’t need an argument on this method, since the row is already
accessible as self.
Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]
Hi Craig,
Did you mean something like this?
Both methods are in the model…
def recalculate_totals(row)
fields = 5.0
row.totals = ((row.kickret + row.puntret + row.netpunt +
row.kickretdef + row.puntretdef) / fields).round_to(4)
model.compiled_this_week.all.each do |row|
puts “Team = #{} and total val = #{row.totals}.”
Yes, and Marnen’s observation in a later message about not needing to
row is spot on.
Craig D.
Mutually Human Software
Technology Made for Humans by humans Data Analytics Data Analytics Data has become a critical part of business for most organizations. We work with you to ensure you have confidence in your data, can properly access it, and present it in a way that...
Est. reading time: 13 minutes
Thanks guys.
I changed it to:
def recalculate_totals
fields = 5.0
self.totals = ((self.kickret + self.puntret + self.netpunt +
self.kickretdef + self.puntretdef) / fields).round_to(4)
model.compiled_this_week.all.each do |row|
puts “Team = #{} and total val = #{row.totals}.”