How to SQL-escape user input/do SQL-LIKE thru AR?

AR insists on escaping user input when using the find() method, which is
commendable. But what if you need the equivalent of

SELECT * FROM user WHERE email LIKE ‘%#{params[:terms]}%’


:conditions => [“email LIKE ‘%?%’”, params[:terms]]

will asplode for obvious reasons.

Also, what if I have an array coming from the form and what to put the
values into a IN() clause, i.e

…WHERE dept_id IN (1,2,3,4,5)

:conditions => [“dept_id IN (?)”, params[:email].join(’,’)]

will not do anything useful.

So in short, I need access to the function that allows me to directly
escape user input myself. AWDWROR and G$$gle were no help finding it.


sbeam wrote:

will asplode for obvious reasons.

Taken from AWDWROR:

Using Like Clauses
You might be tempted to do something like the following to use
like clauses in conditions:

Doesn’t work

User.find(:all, :conditions => [“name like ‘?%’” , params[:name]])
Rails doesn�t parse the SQL inside a condition and so doesn�t know that
name is being substituted into a string. As a result, it will go ahead
and add
extra quotes around the value of the name parameter. The correct way to
this is to construct the full parameter to the like clause and pass that
into the condition.


User.find(:all, :conditions => [“name like ?” , params[:name]+"%" ])

Also, what if I have an array coming from the form and what to put the
values into a IN() clause, i.e

…WHERE dept_id IN (1,2,3,4,5)

:conditions => [“dept_id IN (?)”, params[:email].join(’,’)]

will not do anything useful.

:conditions => [“dept_id IN (?)”, params[:email]]

AR will automatically join your array (it must be an array!).

Tiago M.