How to split dot “.” only before equal “=”

I need to split dot only before equal to assign to hash


Project.risksPotentialAfterSum=Pot. aft.

result after split should be like this:

{Project=>{risksPotentialAfterSum=>Pot. aft.}}

for now I use str.split(/[.=]/,2) which has a problem for the value
which comes after equal sign.

any ideas?

str = “Project.risksPotentialAfterSum=Pot. aft.”

str = “Project.risksPotentialAfterSum=Pot. aft.”
pieces = str.split(/=/)
puts pieces[0]



actually i need to split dot before equal sign except after equal sign

the values i need are

Pot. aft.

can i split it the get these result in the same time?

Sira PS wrote in post #994664:


actually i need to split dot before equal sign except after equal sign

the values i need are

Pot. aft.

can i split it the get these result in the same time?

str = ‘projects.risks.Index.flash_downloading=Downloading.test’

pieces = str.split(/=/)
more_pieces = pieces[0].split(/[.]/)

data = more_pieces << pieces[1]
p data

data.each_slice(2) do |arr|
k, v = arr

if v.nil?
puts “#{k} => nil”

[“projects”, “risks”, “Index”, “flash_downloading”, “Downloading.test”]
Downloading.test => nil

On Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 7:38 PM, Roy Z. [email protected] wrote:

You need regex lookahead syntax

ruby-1.9.2-head > str.split( /.(?=[^=]=)/ )
actually the lookahead can be a little simpler here, (?=.
=) does the
trick, or did I miss any particular edge case you had in mind.
Please note that [^=]= can always be expressed as .??= and often,
that is unless backtracking can occur, as .*?=.

There is an edge case in which neither of our regexen might deliver
the required result, “a.b=c.d=e”, but as there is no spec, there is no
solution :wink:

I already got the solution. thx all

You need regex lookahead syntax

ruby-1.9.2-head > str.split( /.(?=[^=]*=)/ )
=> [“Project”, “risksPotentialAfterSum=Pot. aft.”]


On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 02:31:22AM +0900, Sira PS wrote:

can i split it the get these result in the same time?

Posted via

/ It now costs more to amuse a child than it once did to educate his
\ father. /

   \   ,__,
    \  (oo)____
       (__)    )\
          ||--|| *

Sira PS wrote in post #994664:


actually i need to split dot before equal sign except after equal sign

the values i need are

Pot. aft.

can i split it the get these result in the same time?

That isn’t necessary:

str = ‘projects.risks.Index.flash_downloading=Downloading.test’

key_str, val = str.split(’=’)
keys = key_str.split(/[.]/)

temp = master = {}
last = keys.last

keys.each do |key|
if key == last
temp[key] = val
temp = temp[key] = {}

p master


On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 9:33 AM, Robert D. [email protected]

On Sat, Apr 23, 2011 at 7:38 PM, Roy Z. [email protected] wrote:

You need regex lookahead syntax

ruby-1.9.2-head > str.split( /.(?=[^=]=)/ )
actually the lookahead can be a little simpler here, (?=.
=) does the
trick, or did I miss any particular edge case you had in mind.
Sorry I git confused below
Please note that [^=]= can always be expressed as .??= and often,
With .?? I meant (?>.?)=, which is not really worth of replacing
[^=]= (but might come in handy if = were a complex subexpression). I
am not so sure about always either as there might be further context
which forces the .
? part to be too greedy, maybe.

7stud – wrote in post #994963:

…and you can even get rid of that ugly if check every time through the

str = ‘projects.risks.Index.flash_downloading=Downloading.test’

key_str, val = str.split(’=’)
keys = key_str.split(/[.]/)

temp = master = {}
last = keys.pop

keys.each do |key|
temp = temp[key] = {}

temp[last] = val

p master
