On Friday 07 August 2009 02:55:11 pm Glenn J. wrote:
Since Ruby is not Bash, you have to parse the file:
File.foreach("myenv") do |line|
line.chomp.scan(/^export (.+?)=(.*)$/) do |name, val|
ENV[name] = val
p ENV['FOO'] # => "bar"
That’s pretty fragile – it would severely limit what you can put in the
There are a few ways of doing this, depending on your goal. One would be
run a bash (or better yet, sh) script as a wrapper around your Ruby
script –
that is, if your command is installed as /usr/local/bin/foo, have it be
shell script which does this:
. ~/.myenv
exec /usr/lib/foo/foo.rb $@
Another hack I’ve used, when I wasn’t sure whether or not I’d need those
variables, is to have bash execute the file, and then tell me. If you
only need
one variable, this is easy:
ENV[‘FOO’] = source ~/.myenv && echo -n $FOO
If you wanted all of the variables, here’s one (clumsy) way to do it
having to (really) parse anything:
require ‘yaml’
s = source ~/.myenv && ruby -e 'require "yaml"; print ENV.to_hash.to_yaml
Yaml.load(s).each_pair{|k,v| ENV[k]=v}
I realize I could’ve made that less ugly, but I’m not sure there’s a
good way
to make it pretty. It’s essentially the same as extracting a single
except that it invokes another Ruby interpreter to dump the entire
as a yaml stream. I did this because it’s a lot easier to just throw the
parser at the problem than try to parse the output of something like
‘env’ –
I couldn’t even figure out which environment variables existed,
About the only way I could “improve” it is by streaming that Yaml
generation/parsing, but if anyone has an environment big enough for it
matter, they’ve already got problems.
One final way would be to add a ‘source ~/.myfile’ to any other programs
you try
to run – since you mentioned EDITOR, I’m assuming that’s why.