How-to sorting after group_by?

I tried this code:

voiplogs = where([‘data > ? AND data < ?’, start_date,

it’s works, but how add also sort by :cli

Tanks to all

On Wed, Aug 3, 2011 at 4:28 PM, Fabio Chiarelli
[email protected]wrote:

I tried this code:

voiplogs = where([‘data > ? AND data < ?’, start_date,

voiplogs = where([‘data > ? AND data < ?’, start_date,
end_date]).order(‘cli ASC’).group_by(&:cli)

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In ruby 1.9.2,


Otherwise, you can’t because hashes are unordered by nature. You can
sort the keys and then access the hash using the sorted keys. Or, you
can use ActiveSupport::OrderedHash, and try to figure out how to
initialize it when you have a Hash.