I want to run multiple nginx master processes at boot time, based on
script Ubuntu Upstart | NGINX.
There are some variables at the top and I’d like to know if changing
variables will make it successful.
PIDNAME=“nginx” #lets you do $PS-slave
PIDFILE=$PIDNAME.pid #pid file
DESCRIPTION=“Nginx Server…”
RUNAS=root #user to run as
SCRIPT_OK=0 #ala error codes
SCRIPT_ERROR=1 #ala error codes
TRUE=1 #boolean
FALSE=0 #boolean
Of these the most likely ones are
PS=“nginx” #own comment - it is used to
reference the running process in killall etc
# I wonder if symlinking the
nginx binary and using that will stop the code
# from breaking
# it appears to be used for
locating the running process, and I suspect if it is not
#changed it will interfere
with the default proces
# hopefully nginx daemon does
use hardcoded references to its own name for
# process management
PIDNAME=“nginx” #own comment - obvious need to avoid default
PIDFILE=$PIDNAME.pid #own comment - changed by
changing PIDNAME
PIDSPATH=/var/run # own comment - no need
DESCRIPTION=“Nginx Server…” # own comment - can be
changed, but looks harmless
RUNAS=root # own comment - this can be
changed for a particular user
SCRIPT_OK=0 #own comment - no need - ala
error codes
SCRIPT_ERROR=1 #own comment - no need - ala
error codes
TRUE=1 #own comment - no need - boolean
FALSE=0 #own comment - no need - boolean
lockfile=/var/lock/subsys/nginx #own comment = has to be
different from default process
NGINX_CONF_FILE=“/usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf” #own comment -
clearly needs to be different
Any opinions, has anyone tried it before?