How to replace special charracters

From the form input I have some data which is inserted into database ,
and this data may have some special characters which can cause problems
in other parts of the system. Now before inserting into db, how can I
replace those characters with acceptable chars? Is there a standard way
to replace double quotes with single quotes, slash with hyphen etc.?


From the form input I have some data which is inserted into database ,
and this data may have some special characters which can cause problems
in other parts of the system. Now before inserting into db, how can I
replace those characters with acceptable chars? Is there a standard way
to replace double quotes with single quotes, slash with hyphen etc.?

Look into Tidy…


If you are using it for db purpose, regarding the single quote issue,
can look at:


Or a more flexible replacement, try ‘gsub’:

clean_string = “test”.gsub(/[regex]/, ‘[replaced character]’)


   if i have a string '12-34-56-78', how can i replace the '78' with

