Hi all,
My current equipment seems can’t handle normal parameter setting
OFDM test. The receiver can only receive very small number of packet
correctly. One possible reason maybe because the host can’t catch up the
process speed. So, I would like to modify some paramters and reduce the
process burden on the cpu side. I noticed the bandwidth can be reduce by
given maximum interpolation/decimation numbers. If I reduce fft-length
might also make the cpu easy. However, even after I tried the following
parameters, the output is still very bad. Does any one have any
./benchmark_ofdm_rx.py -f 40M -d 256 --fft-length=32 --occupied-tones=16
./benchmark_ofdm_tx.py -f 40M -i 512 --fft-length=32 --occupied-tones=16
Bin Zan