How To Rectify This Error?

I am attaching my ‘.rb’ file. Please check it. I am getting an error-

“C:/Ruby193/bin/rubysrc/Event_Manager/event_manager.rb:78: syntax error,
unexpected $end, expecting keyword_end”

How to rectify it?

Line 22:
@file.each do |line|

is missing “end”


The error message is actually telling you what’s wrong: The parser ran
into the end of the file while we was still expecing an “end”.

Hey Thanks for replying. I am unable to rectify it. Where should I place
the ‘end’ exactly???

Jan E. wrote in post #1077606:


The error message is actually telling you what’s wrong: The parser ran
into the end of the file while we was still expecing an “end”.

On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 5:00 AM, Jan E. [email protected] wrote:


The error message is actually telling you what’s wrong: The parser ran
into the end of the file while we was still expecing an “end”.

True, but the error message is hard to decipher. When it says “$end”,
it means the end of the file; when it says “keyword_end”, it means the
actual word “end”.

On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 3:33 PM, Henry M. [email protected]

it means the end of the file; when it says “keyword_end”, it means the
actual word “end”.

WAT! “keyword_end” is hard to understand? This is the ruby equivalent of missing
a closing brace or a semi colon. A Ruby coder is going to see this error message
all the time.

The fact that the OP thought it was easier to post a message here rather than
working it out himself boggles the mind.

Actually, I’d say it’s the “$end” part that’s hard to understand; what
the heck’s that dollar sign for? But the whole thing can and should be
made more user-friendly and less dependent on the terminology used in
the implementation.

(And if these parser/lexer/whatever symbols are documented somewhere
other than the source itself, please point it out to me.)

On 27/09/2012, at 8:18 AM, Eric C. wrote:

On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 5:00 AM, Jan E. [email protected] wrote:


The error message is actually telling you what’s wrong: The parser ran
into the end of the file while we was still expecing an “end”.

True, but the error message is hard to decipher. When it says “$end”,
it means the end of the file; when it says “keyword_end”, it means the
actual word “end”.

WAT! “keyword_end” is hard to understand? This is the ruby equivalent of
missing a closing brace or a semi colon. A Ruby coder is going to see
this error message all the time.

The fact that the OP thought it was easier to post a message here rather
than working it out himself boggles the mind.
