How to read the descriptions of error codes from OS using Ruby?

I am looking for if there is any way to get the description out from the
system for the respective error codes .

[1] pry(main)> Errno.constants.take(5)
[2] pry(main)> Errno.constants.take(5).map { |e|
Errno.const_get(e)::Errno }
=> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
[3] pry(main)>

Currently I am reading the description by using the error code, from
this link

Trying to get those out from the OS only. Is this possible ?

Arup R. [email protected] wrote:

I am looking for if there is any way to get the description out from the
system for the respective error codes .

Trying to get those out from the OS only. Is this possible ?

Something like the strerror(3) function in the C standard library?

In Ruby try doing something like:

Where ex_class is one of the constants under Errno::

So try:

On Saturday, May 24, 2014 05:50:36 PM Eric W. wrote:

Where ex_class is one of the constants under Errno::

So try:

Thanks for this. I was not aware of this. I thought, to fetch the
of such errors from OS related files, if any. Because that might be more