i want to read data from a csv file and save it into the database.
my file xyz.csv contains following line
i want o/p of above row
as follows
nil,nil,nil,nil,"“xyz”", nil,nil,nil,nil
currently i get
i am using following method to read the data
@parsed_file=FasterCSV.read(“xyz.csv”, :col_sep =>",",
:quote_char=>’,’, :force_quotes => true)
i want to read data from a csv file and save it into the database.
my file xyz.csv contains following line
i want o/p of above row
as follows
nil,nil,nil,nil,“"xyz"”, nil,nil,nil,nil
i am using following method to read the data
@parsed_file=FasterCSV.read(“xyz.csv”, :col_sep =>“,”,
:quote_char=>‘,’, :force_quotes => true)
Again, do not set :quote_char and :col_sep to the same value. That’s
impossible to parse. Also :force_quotes is only used when writing
CSV, not reading it.
James Edward G. II
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