How to raise HTTP error in rails?

Hello, I have to handle this exception: HTTP 502: Response body: Got
while waiting for outstanding responses (Koala::Facebook::APIError)

and I have written this test:
it “should handle Koala’s error” do
get :test_action
response.should redirect_to root_url
flash[:alert].should == “HTTP 502: Response body: Got EOF while
waiting for outstanding responses (Koala::Facebook::APIError)”

The file in which is used graph.batch is in lib folder and since I can’t
use things like redirect_to or something else in these files I decided
handle this error writing rescue block in ApplicationController:

 rescue_from Koala::Facebook::APIError do |exception|
    redirect_to root_url, :alert => exception.message

But then I though that maybe I should handle 502 error and in that case
only have to write 502.html file in public folder. Right?
Can someone help me with the right path to handle this error. Thanks in
advance :slight_smile:

On Wednesday, July 25, 2012 7:19:38 PM UTC+1, Tsvetelina B. wrote:

only have to write 502.html file in public folder. Right?
Can someone help me with the right path to handle this error. Thanks in
advance :slight_smile:

It doesn’t look like there is a 502 error for you to handle directly -
Koala has wrapped that up inside a Koala::Facebook::APIError. Rescuing
the controller with rescue_from sounds reasonable to me
