How to process request from another domain


In my application a mobile device sends a request to tomcat servlet, and
then the servlet needs to send a request to a rails controller method
for some processing to be done. After the processing the rails will send
a http request to another tomcat servlet to send the processed results
back to the device.

I cannot avoid the tomcat route because the gateway to send/receive
request to mobile device has the api in java only. I have to go through
this route only.

But my problem is that from the ruby code, I can do the processing and
send the request to tomcat also to send the response. But how do I tell
the action in controller that there is no view associated to be shown,
and after Net:HTTP call nothing needs to be done.


if you have nothing to render, you can write this:

render :text => “”, :layout => false

this will not render your layout nor any output

render :nothing => true

On Jul 4, 2007, at 9:40 AM, lanzm wrote:

In my application a mobile device sends a request to tomcat
Rob B.
[email protected]