Thank you Todd, but the number of the keywords are dynamic.
and the array size is not fixed until program reads the first keywords
of the input line.
The line may be “3 tokyo newyork paris”, also maybe
“6 toyota bmw honda GM Ford”
So I can’t hard coded this array in the program.
How can I parse the line?
Thank you Todd, but the number of the keywords are dynamic.
and the array size is not fixed until program reads the first keywords
of the input line.
The line may be “3 tokyo newyork paris”, also maybe
“6 toyota bmw honda GM Ford”
So I can’t hard coded this array in the program.
How can I parse the line?
If you look closely, you’ll see that James’ method grabs everything
from 1 to -1 (the end) of the array, omitting the zeroth element.
Robert’s method assigns the garbage – in this case, the whole array
– to a dummy variable, and the important stuff to the var that you
care about (items).
My way was only slightly different. I opted to create the whole
array, and then drop the first without creating an extra object. I
had to use (items = my_item_list.split) inside parens like that
because #shift returns the object you popped off the front of the
list, and not the actual remaining stuff.
In all examples given, the size doesn’t really matter… hah! Or as
they say, it depends
There are probably several ways to do this; I just like that particular
Thank you Todd, but the number of the keywords are dynamic.
and the array size is not fixed until program reads the first keywords
of the input line.
The line may be “3 tokyo newyork paris”, also maybe
“6 toyota bmw honda GM Ford”
So I can’t hard coded this array in the program.
How can I parse the line?
Did you try our code? All of our solutions work for all examples
you’ve posted so far…
because #shift returns the object you popped off the front of the
list, and not the actual remaining stuff.
In all examples given, the size doesn’t really matter… hah! Or as
they say, it depends
There are probably several ways to do this; I just like that particular one.
You know after looking at your original post, maybe you are trying to
create a digest, i.e. a Hash or associative array, with your keys as
the first “column”.
In that case, you might try…
h = {}
f = my_string_list.each_line do |line|
key = (value = line.split).shift
h[key] = value
My way was only slightly different. I opted to create the whole
array, and then drop the first without creating an extra object. I
had to use (items = my_item_list.split) inside parens like that
because #shift returns the object you popped off the front of the
list, and not the actual remaining stuff.
In all examples given, the size doesn’t really matter… hah! Or as
they say, it depends
There are probably several ways to do this; I just like that particular
My way was only slightly different. I opted to create the whole
array, and then drop the first without creating an extra object.
Note that you made ruby go through the laborious chore of shifting every
element in the array over one spot to the left.
Is that really what happens? I thought it just reassigned a starting
point, and indexed from there. At least, that would make more sense
to me if it did.
to me if it did.
Let me rephrase. What is different on the underlying structure with
[1…-1] and #shift? I’m not sure if shift really moves everything,
but if it does, I wouldn’t mind knowing.
to me if it did.
Let me rephrase. What is different on the underlying structure with
[1…-1] and #shift? I’m not sure if shift really moves everything,
but if it does, I wouldn’t mind knowing.
Is that really what happens? I thought it just reassigned a starting
point, and indexed from there. At least, that would make more sense
to me if it did.
Would it? What if you had an array that took up 3GB of memory and you
shifted off every element but the last one. Would you expect your array
to still occupy 3GB of memory?
point, and indexed from there. At least, that would make more sense
to me if it did.
Let me rephrase. What is different on the underlying structure with
[1…-1] and #shift? I’m not sure if shift really moves everything,
but if it does, I wouldn’t mind knowing.
If it shifts everything, it sure does it fast
arr = (1…100_000_000).to_a
p arr[0]
shift changes the array in place:
I looked at an old thread where Bob Hutchinson piped in about
potential GC problems with this, but that was back in '07
[20, 30]
x = arr[1…-1]
new object is created by x =