Hello all,
I am new to ruby development, so please me, and give me solution.
I am trying to develop simple shoppingcart application.
- created rails application by
projects>rails ShoppingCart
- then created database for shopping cart table-products
fields are- id, title, description, price, expiredate
- created one Product scaffold by
projects>ShoppingCart>ruby script/generate scaffold Product title:string
description:text price:decimal expiredate:datetime
4)then i browse and did some new, edit, delete operations.
- Now i want to add one field to my products table- image_url.
then fields are- id, title, description, price, expiredate, image_url.
I want to overwrite Product sacffold so that when i browse products page
it should display me added field i.e image_url.
give me steps to solve this problem.