How to override ActiveRecord#base#destroy

I have a database table with a primary key not being a simple id but
three columns. By overriding update() and create() I got Rails to work
with that table quit good. Except for the destroy() action. From the
resulting trace I can see that the old version of destroy() is called
from transaction.rb. I think this lines might be the reason that I’m
unable to override detroy():

from transaction.rb

 def self.append_features(base)

   base.class_eval do
     alias_method :destroy_without_transactions, :destroy
     alias_method :destroy, :destroy_with_transactions

Any ideas, hints, etc.?

best regards,

Torsten R. wrote:

I have a database table with a primary key not being a simple id but
three columns. By overriding update() and create() I got Rails to work
with that table quit good. Except for the destroy() action. From the
resulting trace I can see that the old version of destroy() is called
from transaction.rb. I think this lines might be the reason that I’m
unable to override detroy():

Add on: My fault, I simply picked the wrong model class. Now with
overloading update(), create() and destroy() in the right model class
with natural primary keys every thing works as expected.

best regards